
Analytical Cannabis Named ‘Unsung Hero’ by NewsGuard


Analytical Cannabis has been named an “Unsung Hero” by NewsGuard, a journalism credibility watchdog.

In its review article of 2022, NewsGuard listed Analytical Cannabis as one of its top 10 Unsung Heroes, websites with high NewsGuard Trust Scores that “receive little notice, despite producing impactful, fact-based news.”

The credibility watchdog praised Analytical Cannabis’ dedication to fact-based reporting on cannabis industry events and relevant scientific research.

“As cannabis legalization continues across the U.S., the need for accurate information about the industry and its health implications will only grow,” NewsGuard wrote.

“Analytical Cannabis has offered fact-based reporting, citing sources that include interviews with addiction experts and cannabis business leaders, as well as peer-reviewed research — covering topics ranging from cannabis cultivation to the safety of taking the psychedelic ayahuasca.”

Credibility in cannabis

Other publications that received the Unsung Hero accolade include the Daily Californian (a student newspaper at the University of California, Berkeley), Health Desk (a website that publishes explanatory articles about the Covid-19 pandemic for a journalist audience), and the Navajo Times (a weekly newspaper that covers news related to the Navajo Nation in the US Southwest).

NewsGuard assesses publications’ trustworthiness based on nine criteria, including whether the outlets “repeatedly publish false content” and if they regularly correct or clarify errors. News organizations are then ranked on a scale between 0 and 100 points. Analytical Cannabis currently has a NewsGuard rating of 100.

“Since our launch in 2017, our entire team has been tirelessly committed to our editorial mission to provide accurate, reliable, and factual news coverage of the key places where science and the cannabis industry intersect,” Jack Rudd, Analytical Cannabis’ editorial director, said in a statement. 

“The recognition provided by our inclusion in this NewsGuard list is something we are all extremely proud of and, in combination with the positive feedback we continue to receive from our readership, only serves to motivate us to carry on serving our audience with the coverage they enjoy and rely on.”

Elsewhere in its review of 2022 article, NewsGuard listed its top 10 “Most Influential Misinformers”, a list of websites that repeatedly publish “false content” on Covid vaccines, the 2020 US election, the Ukraine war, and other news stories.

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